Monday, May 16, 2011

Another night....

Well, here we sit, it's 7:50pm and we are still in the hospital.  Titus has had 3 rounds of Miralax and a suppository and yet nothing.  I appreciate all the ideas that people have given to try to get him...well...pooping, but the reality is with that much medicine in him specifically for that he shouldn't need anything else.  And anything else we do could just be hurting what the medicine is trying to do.  

The thing that bothers me is that he is starting to slow down on his eating.  He barely ate anything for lunch, Aaron offered him a chocolate shake which he took 4 drinks of and then said he was all done and he won't eat supper.  

We are going to try and take a bath/shower here pretty soon...he is in desperate need of one and maybe take yet another lap around the hall and tuck in for the night.

The Dr's are incredibly baffled by his lack of pooping and passing gas.  He has had way more medicine than he should of had to make that happen.  So, tomorrow is another day and when he wakes up I am sure he will be in incredible pain again, we will fight over him taking his medicine (which tastes horrible) and we will start all over again.  

I know as everyone has been saying, it will come out sometime, but at the same time there is a chance that it won't and he will have to go back into surgery to remove the blockage.  We know that our problem is coming from the fact that has hasn't released enough gas yet to have the poop be ready to come out so that is what we need to have happen, otherwise he will just continue to back up.....

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